Book of Acts--Current Series
Book of John
Book of Jonah
Book of Romans
Book of 1 Timothy
Passion Week/Resurrection Sunday
Psalms Selections
Luke Selections
Charismatic Movement and Twisted Scripture
Evangelical Theology Class
Matthew 1:1-17 "The Grace of God" (11/06/16)
Matthew 1:18-25 "The Incarnation" (12/04/16)
Matthew 2:1-12 "The Magi" (12/11/16)
Matthew 2:13-23 "Fulfillment of Prophecy" (12/18/16)
Matthew 3:1-6 "John the Baptist" (11/13/16)
Matthew 3:7-12 "The Repentant Life" (11/20/16)
Matthew 3:13-17 "The Baptism of Our Lord" (01/01/2017)
Matthew 4:1-11 "Temptation" (01/08/2017)
Matthew 4:12-17 "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" (01/15/2017)
Matthew 4:18-25 "Follow Me!" (01/22/2017)
Matthew 5:1-5 "Inside the Genuine Believer" (01/29/2017)
Matthew 5:6-9 "Inside the Genuine Believer Part 2" (02/05/2017)
Matthew 5:10-12 "The Result of Living in the Kingdom" (02/19/2017)
Matthew 5:13-16 "Salt and Light" (02/26/2017)
Matthew 5:17-20 "Fulfillment of the Law" (03/05/2017)
Matthew 5:21-26 "Are You a Murderer?" (03/12/2017)
Matthew 5:27-30 "Are You an Adulterer?" (03/19/2017)
Matthew 5:31-32 "Divorce" (03/26/2017)
Matthew 5:33-37 "Let Your Yea Be Yea" (04/02/2017)
Matthew 5:38-42 "Rights" (04/09/2017)
Matthew 5:43-48 "Love Your Neighbor" (04/23/2017)
Matthew 6:1-4 "Giving With the Right Heart" (04/30/2017)
Matthew 6:5-8 "Prayer" (05/07/2017)
Matthew 6:9-15 "Pray Like This: Part 1" (05/14/2017)
Matthew 6:9-15 "Pray Like This: Part 2" (05/21/2017)
Matthew 6:16-18 "Fasting" (05/28/2017)
Matthew 6:19-24 "Where Is Your Treasure?" (06/04/2017)
Matthew 6:25-34 "Worry Not!" (06/11/2017)
Matthew 7:1-6 "Judge Not?" (06/18/2017)
Matthew 7:7-12 "Ask God & Love Others" (06/25/2017)
Matthew 7:13-14 "Two Gates" (07/02/2017)
Matthew 7:15-20 "False Prophets" (07/09/17)
Matthew 7:21-23 "LORD, LORD" (07/16/2017)
Matthew 7:24-29 "Rock or Sand?" (07/23/2017)
Matthew 8:1-4 "The Lord Jesus Heals a Leper" (07/30/17)
Matthew 8:5-15 "The Lord Continues to Heal" (08/06/17)
Matthew 8:16-22 "The Cost of Discipleship" (08/13/17)
Matthew 8:23-27 "Master of the Waves" (08/20/17)
Matthew 8:28-34 "Master of the Supernatural" (08/27/17)
Matthew 9:1-8 "Forgiveness of Sins" (09/17/17)
Matthew 9:9-13 "Can Your Sins Be Forgiven" (09/24/17)
Matthew 9:14-17 "Old and New" (10/01/17)
Matthew 9:18-26 "Power Over the Grave" (10/08/17)
Matthew 9:27-34 "The Blind See" (10/15/17)
Matthew 9:35-38 "The Workers are Few" (10/22/17)
Matthew 10:1 "Authority of the Word" (10/29/17)
Matthew 10:2-4 "Simon Peter" (11/05/17)
Matthew 10:2-4 (Continued) "Andrew, James, and John" (11/12/17)
Matthew 10:2-4 (Continued) "The Rest of Our Lord's Men...and Judas" (11/19/17)
Matthew 10:5-15 "The Master's Men are Sent Out" (11/26/17)
Matthew 10:16-23 "Coming Persecution" (12/03/17)
Matthew 10:24-33 "Fear God Not Man" (12/10/17)
Matthew 10:34-39 "Peace on Earth??" (12/17/17)
Matthew 10:40-11:1 "You Will Be Rewarded!" (12/31/17)
Matthew 11:2-6 "Have No Doubt!" (01/07/18)
Matthew 11:7-15 "The Character of John the Baptist" (01/14/18)
Matthew 11:16-24 "Criticism and Indifference" (01/21/18)
Matthew 11:25-30 "An Invitation from Our Saviour" (01/28/18)
Matthew 12:1-8 "Lord of the Sabbath" (02/04/18)
Matthew 12:9-14 "Lord of the Sabbath is Merciful" (02/11/18)
Matthew 12:15-21 "God's Chosen Servant" (02/18/18)
Matthew 12:22-30 "A Tale of Two Kingdoms" (02/25/18)
Matthew 12:31-32 "The Unforgivable Sin" (03/04/18)
Matthew 12:33-37 "Is the Mouth Connected to the Heart?" (03/11/18)
Matthew 12:38-42 "Do You Need a Sign?" (03/18/18)
Matthew 12:43-50 "Are You Redeemed or Merely Reformed" (03/25/18)
Matthew 13:1-9 "The Parable of the Sower" (04/08/18)
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 "The Parable of the Sower-Part 2 The Condition of the Heart" (04/15/18)
Matthew 13:10-17 "God is Sovereign" (04/22/18)
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 "The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares" (04/29/18)
Matthew 13:31-35 "A Tiny Seed annd Hidden Leaven" (05/06/18)
Matthew 13:44-46 "The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven" (05/13/18)
Matthew 13:47-52 "The Dragnet" (05/20/18)
Matthew 13:53-58 "The Offense of the Gospel" (05/27/18)
Matthew 14:1-12 "The Death of John the Baptist" (06/03/18)
Matthew 14:13-21 "Jesus Feeds the 5000" (06/10/18)
Matthew 14:22-33 "Jesus Walks on Water" (06/17/18)
Matthew 14:34-15:9 "Are You Worshiping in Vain?" (06/24/18)
Matthew 15:10-20 "Not What Goes In, But What Comes Out" (07/01/18)
Matthew 15:21-28 "An Example Of True Saving Faith" (07/22/18)
Matthew 15:29-39 "The Compassionate and Giving Saviour" (07/29/18)
Matthew 16:1-4 "Seeking After a Sign" (08/05/18)
Matthew 16:5-12 "Discernment and Doctrine" (08/12/18)
Matthew 16:13-20 "Who Do You Say That I Am" (08/19/18)
Matthew 16:21-26 "Does Your Agenda Match the Saviour's?" (08/26/18)
Matthew 16:27-28 "We Will All Give an Account" (09/02/18)
Matthew 17:1-13 "The Glory of the God Man" (09/09/18)
Matthew 17:14-20 "Faith" (09/16/18)
Matthew 17:22-27 "Even The Master Pays Taxes" (09/23/18)
Matthew 18:1-4 "Become Like a Child" (09/30/18)
Matthew 18:5-9 "The Seriousness of Causing Someone to Sin" (10/07/18)
Matthew 18:10-14 "God Cares for His Children, and We Should Too" (10/14/18)
Matthew 18:15-20 "Restoration Through Church Discipline" (10/21/18)
Matthew 18:21-35 "How Often Must We Forgive Each Other" (10/28/18)
Matthew 19:1-12 "Another Discussion About Divorce" (11/04/18)
Matthew 19:13-15 "Jesus Loves the Little Children" (11/11/18)
Matthew 19:16-22 "The Rich Young Ruler" (11/18/18)
Matthew 19:23-30 "Wealth and the Heart" (11/25/18)
Matthew 19:30-20:16 "Laborers in the Vineyard" (12/30/18)
Matthew 20:17-20:19 "Jesus Predicts His Death" (01/06/19)
Matthew 20:20-28 "Do You Desire to Serve or to Be Served?" (01/13/19)
Matthew 20:29-34 "The Blind See1!" (01/20/19)
Matthew 21:1-11 "Triumphant Entry" (01/27/19)
Matthew 21:12-17 "Jesus Cleanses the Temple" (02/03/19)
Matthew 21:18-22 "Hypocrisy and Hope" (02/10/19)
Matthew 21:23-32 "Does Your Walk Match Your Talk" (02/17/19)
Matthew 21:33-46 "Parable of the Tenants" (03/03/19)
Matthew 22:1-14 "Parable of the Wedding Feast" (03/24/19)
Matthew 22:15-22 "Render Unto Caesar What is Caeasar's" (03/31/19)
Matthew 22:23-33 "Is There Life After Death" (04/07/19)
Matthew 22:34-40 "Love God and Love Others" (04/14/19)
Matthew 22:41-46 "Who is Jesus of Nazareth?" (04/28/19)
Matthew 23:1-12 "The Humility of God's People" (05/05/19)
Matthew 23:13-22 "Woe to the Jewish Leadership: Part 1" (05/12/19)
Matthew 23:23-33 "Woe to the Jewish Leadership: Part 2" (05/19/19)
Matthew 23:34-39 "Willful Rejection of the Saviour (05/26/19)
Matthew 24:1-3 "The Olivet Discourse; Part 1" (06/02/19)
Matthew 24:4-14 "The Olivet Discourse; Part 2" (06/09/19)
Matthew 24:15-22 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 3" (06/16/19)
Matthew 24:23-28 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 4" (06/23/19)
Matthew 24:29-31 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 5" (06/30/19)
Matthew 24:32-35 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 6" (07/07/19)
Matthew 24:36-44 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 7" (07/21/19)
Matthew 24:45-51 "The Olivet Doscourse: Part 8" (07/28/19)
Matthew 25:1-13 "Parable of the Ten Virgins" (08/04/19)
Matthew 25:14-30 "The Parable of the Talents" (08/11/19)
Matthew 25:31-46 "The Day of Judgment" (08/18/19)
Matthew 26:1-16 "The Value of the Son of God" (08/25/19)
Matthew 26:17-30 "Betrayal and Love" (09/01/19)
Matthew 26:31-35 "Christ is Our Strength" (09/08/19)
Matthew 26:36-46 "The Garden" (09/15/19)
Matthew 26:47-56 "The Arrest" (09/22/19)
Matthew 26:57-68 "Trial Part #1" (09/29/19)
Matthew 26:69-75 "The Denial" (10/06/19)
Matthew 27:1-10 "The Remorse of Judas" (10/13/19)
Matthew 27:11-26 "The Roman Trial" (10/20/19)
Matthew 27:27-44 "The Crucifixion" (10/27/19)
Matthew 27:26-37 "Good Friday" (04/18/14)
Matthew 27:26-37 "Good Friday" (04/03/15)
Matthew 27:45-54 "The Death of the Saviour" (11/03/19)
Matthew 27:55-66 "The Burial of the Saviour" (11/10/19)
Matthew 28:1-15 "The Resurrection" (11/17/19)
Matthew 28:16-20 "The Great Commission" (11/24/19)